屈慕超,男,中共党员,博士后,副教授,从事功能化复合材料方面的研究。2010年于哈尔滨工业大学获得工学学士学位,同年赴德国进修。先后于2014年于德国开姆尼茨工业大学(德语)获得硕士学位,2018年于德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学获得工学博士学位,2020年完成博士后工作。曾任德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学(Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, FAU)暨德国巴伐利亚州高分子研究中心(Bayern Polymer Institute)研究员。任郑州大学材料成型及模具技术教育部重点实验室访问教授,主持省部级、企业研发项目十项。 在Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS AMI、Composite Science and Technology、Nano Technology等期刊上发表英文SCI论文34篇,总引用用量近800,h指数16,长年担任Nature communication,AFM等期刊审稿人,在国际会议受邀做报告十余次。
1. Biocompatible, Flexible Strain Sensor Fabricated with Polydopamine-Coated Nanocomposites of Nitrile Rubber and Carbon Black, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (一作,JCR 一区, SCI IF : 8.758), 2020.
2.Electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of melt-spun ternary composites comprising PMMA, carbon fibers and carbon black, Composites Science and Technology (一作,JCR 一区, SCI IF: 7.094), 2017.
3. Conductivity of melt spun PMMA composites with aligned carbon fibers, Composites Science and Technology (一作,JCR 一区, SCI IF: 7.094), 2016.
4. Effect of filler orientation on the electrical conductivity of carbon Fiber/PMMA composites, Fibers (一作,ESCI), 2018.
5. Fabrication, characterization and modelling of triple hierarchic PET/CB/TPU composite fibres for strain sensing, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
(通讯,JCR 一区, SCI IF: 6.689), 2020.
6. Novel definition of the synergistic effect between carbon nanotubes and carbon black for electrical conductivity, Nanotechnology (一作,JCR 三区, SCI IF: 3.551), 2019.
7. Electrical conductivity of anisotropic PMMA composite filaments with aligned carbon fibers–predicting the influence of measurement direction, RSC Advances (一作,JCR 三区, SCI IF: 3.119), 2020.
8. Structure changes of aligned carbon nanotubes in thermoplastics below percolation revealed by impedance, Applied Nanoscience (一作,JCR 三区, SCI IF: 3.807), 2018.
9. Qu, M., Li, D., Qin, T., Luo, Z., Liu, X., Nilsson, F., ... & Qin, Y. (2022). Carbon black nanoparticle/polydopamine-coated core-spun yarns for flexible strain sensors. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(11), 16996-17003.
10. Qu, M., Fang, J., Mu, C., Li, Y., Huang, S., Han, L., ... & Qin, Y. (2022). A novel study on the sandwich‐structure strain sensor using ethylene‐vinyl acetate‐based hot‐melt adhesive mesh web: Fabrication, properties, and modeling. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(48), e53209.
11. Qu, M., Xie, Z., Liu, S., Zhang, J., Peng, S., Li, Z., ... & Nilsson, F. (2023). Electric resistance of elastic strain sensors—fundamental mechanisms and experimental validation. Nanomaterials, 13(12), 1813.
12. Qu, M., Cai, J., Li, X., Wu, J., Chen, H., Zheng, Z., ... & Gao, Q. (2023). Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube/epoxy/glass‐fiber composites intended for nondestructive testing. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 34(8), 2554-2563.
13. Qu, M., Luo, Z., Chen, H., Qin, Y., Schubert, D. W., Yang, G., ... & Nilsson, F. (2024). Strain sensing, electromagnetic interference shielding, and antimicrobial performance of triple hierarchic fabric coated with AgNWs and polydopamine. Materials & design, 113033.
1.室温自修复抗疲劳柔性电子皮肤的设计及结构调控机制研究(2023A1515011755) ,广东省自然科学基金面上项目
2.基于纳米图灵结构的车用柔性导电复合材料应变传感机理研究(2023A04J0038) ,广州市科技局
3.汽车用功能化聚丙烯复合新材料的研发(17/1746661) ,横向项目
4.汽车用导电玻璃纤维复合新材料的研发(17/1746517) ,广州香港科大霍英东研究院
5.德国Emerging Talents Initiative基金(2019.08-2020.07)