担任国际期刊Digital Transportation and Safety青年编委。受邀担任Transportation Research Record、Traffic Injury Prevention、Cognition, Technology & Work、Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering等多个SCI期刊审稿人。
(1) 代表性论文、软著等
[1] Wen Huiying, Xue Gang*(薛刚). 2020. Injury severity analysis of familiar drivers and unfamiliar drivers in single-vehicle crashes on the mountainous highways. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 105667: 1-10. (SSCI,中科院一区TOP)
[2] Xue Gang*(薛刚), Wen Huiying. 2024. Pedestrian-injury severity analysis in pedestrian-vehicle crashes with familiar and unfamiliar drivers, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 20(1): 2120784. (SCI/SSCI,中科院二区)
[3] Xue Gang*(薛刚), Liu Lian. 2024. Real-world crash configurations and traffic violations among newly licensed young drivers with different route familiarity levels, Traffic Injury Prevention, 25(5): 673-679. (中科院SCI/SSCI三区)
[4] Xue Gang*(薛刚); Zhu Zian; Liu Qiandong; Wen Huiying. 2023. Modeling faults among mountainous highway fatal crash-involved drivers with different route familiarity levels, Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(2): 140-146. (SCI/SSCI)
[5] Wen Huiying, Xue Gang*(薛刚). 2020. Exploring the relationships between single-vehicle traffic accident and driver's route familiarity on the mountainous highways. Cognition, Technology & Work, 22: 815-824. (SCI/SSCI)
[6] Xue Gang*(薛刚), Wen Huiying. 2021. How accurately do the drivers perceive the hazardous degrees of different mountainous highway traffic risk factors?. Cognition, Technology & Work, 23: 177-187. (SCI/SSCI)
[7] Xue Gang(薛刚), Wen Huiying*. 2019. Crash-prone section identification for mountainous highways considering multi-risk factors coupling effect. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 9873832: 1-9. (SCI)
[8] Jiang Li, Wen Huiying, Xue Gang*(薛刚). 2022. Investigating spatio-temporal characteristics and evaluation of heavy goods vehicle risky driving behaviours based on vehicle networking dataset during naturalistic driving. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 29(4): 389-406. (SCI)
[9] Hu Liwei, Xue Gang(薛刚), Wang Miao, et al. 2017. Influence of typical drivers' unsafe driving behaviors to traffic operation: An exploratory study in Kunming, China. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(9): 1-9. (SCI)
[10] 胡立伟, 薛刚, 李林育, 等. 2018. 高原地质及气象环境下公路交通风险致因耦合分析, 中国公路学报. 2018, 31(1): 110-119. (EI) (2020年度《中国公路学报》优秀论文三等奖)
[11] 温惠英, 薛刚*. 2019. 山区公路交通事故多要素风险综合分析方法:以山区雨雾天气为例, 中国安全科学学报. 29(9): 161-166.
[12] 城市道路交通安全态势评价系统[简称:TSS UR]V1.0 (软件著作权,登记号:2015SR226068)
[13] 交通事故辐射范围分析系统V1.0 (软件著作权,登记号:2015SR226256)
[14] 城市道路立体交叉设计仿真系统V1.0 (软件著作权,登记号:2016SR080370)
(2) 科研项目
[1] 广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目,2023A04J0295,2023/04至2025/03,基于多源异构大数据融合的隧道路段交通风险多因素时空耦合识别及其控制方法研究,5万元,在研,主持;
[2] 广东技术师范大学博士引进项目, 99166030420,2021/03至2024/03,驾驶员道路熟悉程度对高速公路交通安全的影响研究,15万元,在研,主持;
[3] 广东技术师范大学2023年教学质量与教学改革工程项目,PX-4823315,2023/11至2025/11,新工科背景下交通运输专业“四创”型人才培养模式研究-----基于竞教结合的视角,在研,主持。
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